There are two types of planets as classifieds by astronomers in our solar system.
The classification is based on the asteroid belt present in our solar system.
These are named as - [1] inner planets
[2]outer planets
The inner planets are the planets which are very close to the sun and present before the asteroid belt starting from sun.
The outer planets which are present after the asteroid belt are Jupiter,Uranus,Neptune and Pluto[if we consider Pluto as a planet]
There are four planets considered as inner planets. These are arranged from closest to the farthest as Mercury,Venus,Earth ad Mars.
The distance of Mercury from the sun is 57.91 million km
The distance of Venus from sun is 108.2 million km
The distance of Earth from sun is 149.6 million km
Finally the distance of Mars from the sun is 227.9 million km