President of the senate: Darrell Bradley
There is 2 senate's of each state
Powers: Ratifies treaties by a two thirds supermajority vote, they also confirm the appointments of the president by a majority vote.
Speaker of the house: Nancy Pelosi
There is only 1 speaker of state
Based on: They are the leader of the United States of representatives.
Head of The Executive branch: Our new president Joe biden. He moved in the white house officially today(I'm Serious I had to look it up myself lol.) He also acts as the head state and commander chief
President is: Joe Biden
Vice president: Kamala Harris
President Eligibility: Natural born citizen, Resident of the US for 14 years. be at least 35.
Powers: Sign and veto legislations, Command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their cabinet.
chief justice of the supreme court: John G Roberts Jr
Appointed by: The President
Get approved by: They are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate.
Supreme Court Members #: Nice justices