4 votes
The following table lists some words from act I, scene I of Shakespeare’s play Richard III. Refer back to the excerpt from the play to determine the meanings of the words listed. Based on context clues, note what you think each word means in the Contextual Meaning column. Then look up the words in a dictionary and fill in the Dictionary Definition column with the actual meanings of the words. How do the actual definitions compare to the contextual meanings that you came up with? Are context clues always enough to determine the correct meaning of a difficult word? Record your observations in the Notes column.Then write a brief evaluation of your work below. Note what you learned and what challenged you.

Word/Phrase Line Contextual Meaning Dictionary Definition Notes

descant 28

tendering 48

hearkens 59
tempers 70

suppliant 79
livery 85

beseech 89
enfranchise 115

2 Answers

4 votes
not sure what you mean? can you paste a picture of the table so we can see what you mean? that would help you and me find the answer
User MoVod
6.5k points
2 votes

descant 28 to reflect, brood, or mull over to make a comment or to discuss at length The contextual meaning and dictionary definition differ from one another; from the context, the word seems to mean "to mull over something," but it actually means "to make a comment."

tendering 48 looking after to treat with tender regard The contextual meaning is “to look after,” while the dictionary definition more specifically means “to treat with tender regard.”

hearkens 59 to listen to give respectful attention or to listen respectfully The dictionary definition is more specific than the contextual meaning.

tempers 70 to rile up or provoke to exercise control over or to make something less severe The contextual meaning seems to be "to provoke" or "to rile up," but the dictionary definition is “to control.”

suppliant 79 a request a person who asks for something in a respectful way from someone more powerful The contextual meaning is “a request,” but the dictionary definition refers a person making a request.

livery 85 clothes a uniform worn by servants The dictionary definition is more precise than the contextual meaning.

beseech 89 to ask or beg to urgently ask someone to do or provide something The dictionary definition is more precise than the contextual definition.

enfranchise 115 to free to set free; liberate The contextual meaning is quite similar to the dictionary definition.

(Exact answer from the system)

User Jerboa
6.9k points