As India's urban population grows at a rapid pace and Delhi becomes the second most populous city on the planet, the Asian giant is also the country with the most rural inhabitants.
This is due to the natural growth of the population, which presents Indian cities with 45% of their new residents, compared with the 20% or 30% who emigrate from the countryside.
The Subcontinent Sharing that in 1947 gave rise to the present territories of India and Pakistan caused the largest migratory movement in history.
In a short period of time, more than 10 million people moved to one side or the other of the border.
A month after India declared independence, the capital of the country grew from 700,000 to 1.5 million, but it was still not demographically comparable to the big cities of the time.
Over the past two decades, Delhi's population has doubled to its current 25 million residents, making it the second largest city in terms of number of people after Tokyo, according to a report recently published by the United Nations.
With the arrival of new residents, the city has expanded, while in areas like New Delhi the population has declined, said the migration expert.
However, the creation of new urban centers within the metropolitan area of the city is not the solution to the biggest problem of mass demographic growth: housing. Between 15 and 20 percent of Delhi's population lives in slums, where the lack of space makes whole families live in two or three square meter dwellings.