The Oral method consists in the administration of medication by swallowing it through the mouth. The medication may be in liquid or solid form. The standard precautions for giving medicine by this method are: Being careful with the dosage accuracy, ensuring that the patient swallows the medicine, prevent infections, and giving water or juice to the patient to help with the dissolving of the medicine.
In the Buccal method, the medicine is applied on the cheek of the patient. Medicines applied in this way act faster, as they don't have to pass through the digestive system first. The standard precautions for giving medicine by this method are to be extremely careful with the dosage (it shouldn't be too big), ensure that there aren't any sores in the cheek area and that the medicine isn't caustic.
In the Sublingual method, the medicine is applied under the tongue. Medicines act faster by this method too, because they enter directly through the capillaries to the bloodstream. The standard precautions for giving medicine by this method are the same as the ones for the Buccal method, and also is very important to prevent eating, drinking or smoking during the application of the medicine.
The Rectal method consists in applying the medicine into the rectum. This is done usually when the patient is vomiting or can't ingest the medicine by oral, buccal or sublingual methods. The standard precautions for giving medicine by this method include preparing the patient for the procedure, ensuring that there isn't any bleeding in the rectal area, avoiding infections, putting gloves on, and using lubrication for the application of the medication.
The Parenteral method consists in the application of the medicine by injection directly to the veins or to the tissues. The standard precautions for giving medicine by this method include the prevention of injuries by sharp instruments during this procedure, sterilization of needles, patient skin, and gloves. Also, the health care workers should use protective clothing to avoid contact with blood or body fluids, which is more likely to happen when administrating the medicine through this method. The used needles should be disposed of in a puncture-resistant container.
Have a nice day!