There is tension in Sarah and Adoniram’s relationship.
The story is set in the late 1800s, the society was a patriarchy one, meaning that women had no value. A woman (and a mother) had to only worry about keeping the house clean, cook, etc. Sarah and Adoniram’s relationship was tense, just as many others during this time.
In “The Revolt of Mother”, Sarah is angry at her husband because, instead of building the house he’s been promising her for forty years, he’s building a barn for the cows. Despite her attempts to start a conversation with him, he completely ignored her, as he thought she, being a woman, wasn’t valuable enough to talk with about future plans.
One day, when Adoniram left town for work, Sarah decided to build up her courage and stand up against her husband. Their son is described as a younger version of Adoniram and their daughter was soon to be married. Sarah wanted to set an example for her kids, she wanted to demonstrate that they have to stand up for themselves, so that day she moved all their belongings into the barn (which was much bigger and nicer than the house they were living in) and the cows into their old house. When Adoniram had returned and he had seen with this own eyes that his wife was giving orders he started crying , saying, “I hadn’t no idee you was so set on’t as all this comes to”.