3 votes
1. True or False: A verifiable fact can be proven. *

2. True or False: A Hasty Generalization makes a claim that is unreliable. *

3. True or False: This is a hasty generalization: Everyone who swims after eating gets stomach cramps. *

4. Which sentence is using a comma correctly? *

a. Since she had no money she could not go, to the movies.
b. Since she had no money, she could not go to the movies.

5. Which sentence uses a comma correctly? *

a. I like this restaurant, but it is too expensive.
b. I like this restaurant but, it is too expensive.

6. Which type of sentence asks a questions? *

a. declarative
b. imperative
c. interrogative

7. Which type of sentence gives a command? *

a. declarative
b. imperative
c. interrogative

8. Which type of sentence makes a statement? *

a. declarative
b. imperative
c. interrogative

9. What type of sentence is this? "While you're at the store, get some milk and bread." *

a. declarative
b. imperative
c. interrogative

10. What type of sentence is this? "Should we order a pizza for dinner tonight?" *

a. declarative
b. imperative
c. interrogative

11. Ethos- Pathos- Logos: Which persuasive appeal focuses on the credibility of the speaker? *

a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos

12. Which persuasive appeal focuses on Logic and reason? *

a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos

13. Which persuasive appeal tries to form an emotional connection with the audience? *

a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos

14. EXPLAIN: You see a commercial for toothpaste. The speaker claims to be a dentist and says he recommends this toothpaste. Which appeal is being used and how can you tell? (ethos, pathos or logos) *

15. EXPLAIN: You see a commercial for the SPCA. Sad music is playing. They are showing pictures of hurt and neglected dogs. The dogs look sad. Which persuasive appeal is being used and how can you tell? *

User MikeVe
7.4k points

2 Answers

0 votes
1. True. The fact can be verified.2. True. Generalizations are often unreliable.3. True. same reason as #24. B. The comma comes after the introductory prepositional phrase. 5. A. The comma should come before the conjunction (but).6. C. Think about interrogations where an investigator asks the accused a bunch of questions.7. B. Think imp...like it's important to do this now!8. A. To declare is to make a statement.9. B. It's important to do.10. C. It's a question.11. Pathos. P = person12. Logos. L = logic13. Ethos. E = emotion14. Pathos. It's focusing on the credibility of the dentist. 15. Ethos. It's appealing to the emotions of the viewers to elicit donations.
User Mifeet
7.1k points
5 votes

1. The answer is True

A fact is considered to be 'verifiable' if it derived from a factual data that can be observed through scientific method. This mean that people could check whether that 'fact' actually represent the truth and do not possess high level of bias.

2. The answer is True.

Generalization refers to the act of making a general statement toward a certain occurrence based on specific characteristics related to that occurrence. Generalization that is not backed by factual data and proper research often contain high level of personal opinion, which make the generalization become very biased,

3. That statement is True

First of all, there is no actual data that supp sort that generalization. In order to make it into a valid statement, the one who made the generalization need to find the percentage of people who got stomach cramps when they swim after eating. Larger percentage tend to give higher level of correlation.

4. B. Since she had no money, she could not go to the movies.

A comma should be used after the introductory prepositional phrase, unless the prepositional phrase is consist of 4 words or shorter. A comma should never be used if it's separate the sentence into two parts in which any of them cannot stand independently.

5. The answer is: A. I like this restaurant, but it is too expensive.

A Comma should be used before conjunction (part of a sentence that is used to connects words, phrases, or clauses). Example of conjunctions where this rule is applicable are But, only if, so that, even though, unless, until, etc.

6. The answer is C. Interrogative

Interrogative sentence is generally used if the speaker want to obtain certain information from the communication partner. Usually, this type of sentence can be easily identified by spotting the sentence that contain interrogative mark "? ".

7. The answer is B. Imperative

Imperative sentence is generally used when the speaker want his/her communication partner to do a certain action . This type of question could be easily identified by spotting the sentence that contain interrogative mark "!" or in some cases "." as long as it told the communication partner to do something.

8. The answer is: A. Declarative

A declarative statement is generally used when the speaker simply want to convey a certain type of information to the communication partner. This sentence can usually identified by the usage of dot "." at the end of the sentence.

9.The answer is B. Imperative

From the sentence, we can see that the speaker want his/her communication partner to do a certain action (i.e: Buying breads). Because of this intention, the sentence above is considered to be an imperative sentence.

10. The answer is C. Interrogative

From the sentence, we can see the speaker wants to obtain a certain information from the communication partner (i.e: the type of appeal that focused on the credibility of the speaker). The speaker's intention indicates that it is an interrogative question.

11.The answer is: E. Ethos

In order to use this persuasive appeal, the speaker need to be someone who had study the topic for a long period of time or someone who obtained a really high status. (For example, an ex-president's bodyguard that give a speech about improving your home safety)

12.The answer is: C. logos

In order to use this persuasive appeal, the speaker need to prepare a set of objective data that can be used to support every statement made during the speech. The data help guide the audience to make a proper train of thought that help them understand the conclusion that the speaker made.

13. The answer is: B. Pathos

In order to use persuasive appeal, the speaker need to understand the things that could easily be related to the audience's personal feeling and experience. The content of the speech does not have to be logical as long as it's either evoke a feeling of sympathy, unity, disgust, or anger from the audiences.

.14. The answer is: Ethos.

Ethos is an appeal to speaker's credibility. The commercial is for a toothpaste product, which is correlated to the health of the teeth. Because of this, profession such as dentists (who spend years in training and accumulated experience in handling teeth related problems) tend to provide high level of credibility.

15.The answer is: Pathos

Pathos is an appeal to the speaker's emotion. Sad background music a long with the pictures of suffering animals tend to evoke a sense of sympathy from the audience. This type of technique tend to be really effective when the speaker want the audiences to contribute to a certain type of cause (Whether it's in the form of finance or activism)