The correct order of the events is the following:
1 - Maitre Hauchecorne is going into Goderville for the market-day.
2 - Maitre Hauchecorne sees a piece of string on the road and bends down to pick it up.
3 - Maitre Malandain sees Maitre Hauchecorne pick up the piece of string but does not know what he actually picked up.
4 - A missing wallet and reward for its return is announced to the residents of Goderville.
5 - A police officer states that Maitre Hauchecorne is accused of taking the wallet by Maitre Malandain.
6 - Maitre Hauchecorne is upset by the accusation and pleads his innocence. 7 - The wallet is returned.8 - Maitre Hauchecorne tries to persuade anyone who will listen that he did not take the wallet. 9 - The people of Goderville mock Maitre Hauchecorne and his pleas of innocence. 10 - The townspeople believe that Maitre Hauchecorne had someone else turn in the wallet for him.
11 - Everyone's comments about Maitre Hauchecorne make him sick.12 - Maitre Hauchecorne wastes away.13 - On his deathbed, Maitre Hauchecorne still fruitlessly begs for someone to believe him.
"The Piece of String" is a short story written by the French author, Guy de Maupassant, in 1883, and was included in his collection of short stories called "Miss Harriet".