JP Morgan-
1. A dominance of the American banking system which helped to stabilize the markets and avoid economic collapse prior to World War I.
2.Financed railroads allowing for the development of the Western United States.
3.Organized several American corporations including General Electric and U.S. Steel.
4.Used his massive wealth, characteristic of the Gilded Age to develop cultural trends including influential art collections and architecture.
Thomas Edison-
1. Influential American inventor that transcended into a businessman.
2. Invented the light bulb, transforming the standard of living for millions of Americans, as well as others.
3. Invented the motion-picture camera, considered a remarkable invention during his lifetime, the camera has gone on to transform lives for all humankind.
4. Credited with establishing the first research factory, this evolved into modern Research and development affecting businesses in every sector.
Henry Clay Frick-
1. American business tycoon and industrialist, an active participant in Gilded Age business sector.
2. A supporter of American railroads, expanding infrastructure and business opportunities for the business elite.
3. An important figure in U.S. Steel that developed American Industry and the country as a whole.
4. Known as a union-buster, someone who aggressively eliminated unions and workers negotiations, this would influence later labor-union struggles.
Andrew Carnegie-
1. American Industrialist and business, who came from lower-class family.
2. Developed Carnegie Steel, sold to J.P. Morgan which would become U.S. Steel.
3. Labor disputes at Carnegie Steel would cripple labor movements in Pittsburg and surrounding areas for several decades.
4. A major philanthropist who donated hundreds of millions of dollars to fund libraries, art collections, and other public services (education, science).