There are two ways to form the future tense in Spanish, namely: The informal future (ir + a + infinitive) and the simple future (el futuro simple). In this exercise, we will use the Spanish simple future. This tense is used to talk about what will or shall happen. It is also used to talk about the possibility of what someone may or might be doing in the present. Moreover, it can also be used to express conjecture, possibilities, and probabilities in the present, make predictions about the future, and give solemn commands. On the other hand, there are two forms in this verbal tense, namely: Regular and Irregular Simple Future Forms.
If we want to form the simple future tense, we need to add the correct ending to the infinitive of the verb. All verb conjugations, that is ar, er, and ir verbs, have the same endings in the simple future tense as indicated in the Table below.
Basically, we have three categories in the irregular forms:
a) Verbs where the last vowel in the infinitive is replaced with a d. In this category, only fall er and ir verbs. If we want to form the future of these verbs let's replace the e or i at the end of the infinitive with a d. Then, we add the conditional endings indicated in the Table below.
b) Verbs where the last vowel in the infinitive is removed. In this category, only fall er verbs. If we want to form the future with verbs in this category, we must remove the vowel from the infinitive ending. Then, we add the conditional endings shown in the Table below.
c) Verbs that are simply irregular. For example, in this category fall the verbs decir and hacer.
So, by knowing these concepts we can solve this problem as follows:
The right answer is querré
Yo querré asistir a la fiesta este fin de semana
Irregular verb: querer
The right answer is tendrás
¿Tendrás tú tiempo para hablar esta noche?
Irregular verb: tener
The right answer is viajaremos
Mi amigo y yo viajaremos a Colombia
Regular verb: viajar
The right answer is gustará
A ella le gustará hacerlo
Regular verb: gustar
The right answer is dará
Los estudiantes le darán la tarea a la maestra
Regular verb: dar
The right answer is irá
El próximo verano Juan irá de vacaciones a Colombia
Regular verb: ir
Yo leeré el libro mañana
Regular verb: leer
The right answer is vendrá
En Julio mi hermano vendrá a visitarme
Irregular verb: venir
The right answer is saldrán
¿Saldrán ustedes el domingo?
Irregular verb: salir
The right answer is podrás
Tú podrás hacerlo
Irregular verb: poder