The South focused on agriculture, while the North focused on industrialization.
Step-by-step explanation:
During this time, agriculture was the main source of income in the South. They would focus on growing cash crops such as rice and indigo on plantations, but they also needed a lot of labor in order to keep this up. The South also had a good climate for growing crops, fertile soil and warm weather made crops thrive. First, they would turn to indentured servants, people who had their passage from foreign countries paid for and would pay back for years of labor work. This was only a temporary solution though and eventually, the South turned to slave labor.
After the cotton gin was invented, cotton was very common to find on Southern plantations. It allowed for the South to obtain a lot of money, as cotton was needed overseas. This meant that the South would need even more slave labor to continue this.
The North soon focused on industrialization, but the climate was not ideal for crop growing either. The Northern states harbored rocky soil and a cold climate, which meant they could not rely on agriculture for their income. Factories would be made, along with railroads, which opened a huge opportunity for people needing jobs. The North did not rely on slave labor, many people who lived there thought it was inhumane and even fought to abolish it.