I Have A Dream
The reason I had picked this speech is because it is the most known and most inspirational speech he had ever made. This speech inspired people all around the world to be aware of the problems we have in society and to start making a change because if you don't make a change who will? That speech brought attention to what was and still is a problem in America and he showed that he wants to see a change so does everyone else. After Martin Luther King had presented that speech to all those people congress started to move faster to pass the Civil Rights Act.
A good way to think about how inspirational that speech he had made was is to think about how many things would be different today if he had not made that speech. If you think about it we have a whole entire holiday dedicated to Martin Luter King and that speech was probably one of those things that he had done to earn such a holiday. In conclusion, Martin Luther King's speech brought so much attention that inspired so many people, especially African Americans, that so much attention was brought to those problems stated that the congress couldn't go any longer with the injustices going on and were forced to make a change.