1. Ectogenesis is a scientific advancement that allow us to develop organism's embryos in artificial conditiions outside normal uterus.
This technology advancement has become the basis of what we know as Cloning technology that allow us to reproduce exact replica of an organism without natural intercourse
2. The Government initially reject this scientific advancement because of the drawbacks from several groups, such as from religious communities who see this as a direct violation of their religion and form the humanists that view this technology would create a situation where human beings are treated in the same manner as manufactured Goods.
3. One other examples of technolgical advancement that used to be rejected is nuclear technology.
At the initial stage of its development, nuclear technology looked really dangerous because we haven't develop a method to handle it properly like we could today.
4. What change their mind is the positive benefits that the technologies provided far outweight the negative consequences.
For example, ectogenesis technology would eliminate food shortages since we can clone animals over and over again and nuclear technologies would provide far more energy compared to oil and electricity.