Naming Compounds of the Nonmetals
Hydrogen Compounds When hydrogen is bonded with oxygen, sulfur, or one of the halogens hydrogen is always written First. The other nonmetal is named as a negative ion (ide" is added to the stem of the nonmetal's name).
Compounds of Other Nonmetals - The element names am given in order of appearance in the formula with the last syllable of the second element replaced by-ide. The number of atoms is Indicated by a prafix (1-mono; 2-di; 3-tri; 4-tetra: 5-penta: 10-deca). However mono is not used
for the first atom in the furmuta.
Historically Named Compounds-Some compounds were given names before the standard naming convention came atsut and many of these Hames are still used. These names should just be memorized. For example water (H₂O) and ammonia (
What is the name of this compound?