I mean, that's debatable. I'd personally consider doctors to be better than farmers, because they're more in demand in comparison to farmers. Like, the world needs more doctors, it doesn't really need more farmers. Plus like, I hate to say this, but do we /really/ need farmers? I mean, if you think about it, all the produce we need can literally be made in labs, and probably better than what a farmer would harvest. Like, you could give plants the exact amount of sunlight/water/nutrients there in ways that just aren't possible on farms. Plus like, in a controlled environment (like a laboratory) fertilizer runoff can be eliminated, or at least highly curbed. Agricultural pollution is a huge issue, and farmers are the root cause of it. Plus, we actually have a food surplus right now. Too much is being produced. Meanwhile, the demand for doctors is literally spiking, because older people are getting a lot more diseases, and there's just more people in the world in general. I think all doctors are pretty helpful, even cosmetic ones, like plastic surgeons, because if they weren't around, people would try to seek out less qualified people and most likely end up infected. (Like, have you seen botched plastic surgeries where they inject like, mineral oil or some sh/t? It's horrifying, their skin literally falls off and they can actually possibly die from it.) A lot of hospitals are understaffed too. (The cardiologist demand is going to grow by over 50% by 2025 in Nevada. Like, that's a lot.) Plus, a lot of people need help in third-world countries too, and there definitely aren't enough doctors there. Like, have you seen that video of the eye surgeon who traveled to North Korea? He performed a thousand surgeries in ten days, and that was only in one city. But yeah, I can't emphasize how important doctors in developing countries are. They're literally life-changing.