Scenario: You are driving along country roads with the window rolled down, enjoying a spring day and listening to your favorite music. You come to a train track and start to cross when your car dies on the tracks. Now that your car has died, you can hear the horn of an approaching train. You look down the tracks and see a train coming around the bend about 500 yards from you and bearing down quickly. You turn the key and push on the gas, but the car doesn't start. You turn it one more time, knowing that you will have to jump out and leave your car if it doesn't start. This time it starts - you floor it and get off the tracks with only about 30 seconds to spare. The engine roars past you as stop on the side of the road and try to compose yourself.
Explain in detail which parts of the previous scenario are controlled by the sympathetic and which are the parasympathetic nervous system AND explain 4 specific physical responses (ex: what's happening in the..... pupils, digestive system, large muscles, bladder, bronchial tubes) - that you would have during each part - during the drive, on the tracks, and after.