1. In my opinion, the correct answer is D. - It is impossible to make people totally identical in every way. Vonnegut's dystopic short story is set in the future, when equality is not interpreted as a fact that people should be equal in their rights and by law. It is understood as the fact that they must be identical to each other as much as possible so that nobody would feel inferior to anyone else, and that competition between people should be impossible.
2. I would say the correct option is A. - The heaviest of handicaps cannot mask Harrison’s superiority: he “had outgrown hindrances faster than H-G men could think them up”. Harrison is, in a way, a symbol of human nature that cannot be suppressed in growth and potential, no matter how hard the society tries to impose restrictions and rules upon it. He is both a genius and a good-looking man, and has rebellious nature that directly defies the system. That's why the H-G has to kill him.