1. False. The Christians have to be obedient to the earthly government. This can be seen in the episode from the Bible where Jesus instructs people to pay their dues to the Kings as what is King's is his and what is God's should go to God. Also in the past there was a belief that the governmental authority was also established by God.
2.False. The slaves were a part of the early church. The gospel was meant for everyone, be they rich, poor, free or a slave. All were equal before God. Many slaves though had pagan masters, and the slaves were encouraged to endure it and shine as beacons of Christian faith.
3.True. This is true as Paul indeed visited Cretans as he was journeying to Rome. This is evident in the Epistle to Titus that at some point of his journey Paul was there and after he left he left his student Titus, later Saint Titus on the island of Crete.
4. True. In his Epistle to Titus, Paul says that the Cretan Christians should be obedient to rulers to just and to be right. They should not speak ill of anyone, and always work hard and do good work. Cretans should also be gentle and meek towards all men.
5.This also is true. Paul undertook three missionary journeys across the land and the fruit of these journeys was establishment of major churches in Asia Minor, Greece and Macedonia. The funny thing is the rest of the Europe was not included here. Some of the places where he "planted churches" were Thessalonica, Corinth, Philippi and Ephesus.
6.This one is False. The problem in Ephesus and the church there was not lack of love for the members, the problem was the false teachings given to the people there. The teachers of the Ephesus church did not teach the congregation correctly as they used Jewish legends as the basis for their teachings.