How has the discovery of 5,300-year-old Ötzi, the Iceman, helped scientists in their knowledge?
The discovery of Ötzi on September 19, 1991, served the scientists in performing the analyzes, among other things: 1.- Genome sequencing (DNA) has revealed that he had brown eyes, blood group O +, lactose intolerance and cardiovascular problems.
2.- That he was approximately 159 cm tall, he was 46 years old and had weighed about 50 kg. He had arthritis, tooth decay, Lyme disease and suffered from intestinal parasites.
3.- And apart from knowing the clothes he was wearing, the first aid that was practiced, the tattoos he was wearing, the blood test, and that he was killed by an arrowhead, the National Institute of Legal Medicine of the Medical University from Innsbruck, he has managed to identify 19 people who are genetically related to the mummified man. And there are possibilities to identify more relatives of Ötzi both in Switzerland and in Italy.