2 votes
Compare and contrast Lenin’s idealistic vision of a social state with the reality of communism in the new Soviet Union

1 Answer

5 votes
Vladimir LeninWas a communistBelieved in dictatorshipWas also a totalitarianWas very hard working and modestWas cruel by most standards, used executions and traditional styles to mantain powerEliminated threats and oppositionWas an imperialistWas aetheist.
Joseph StalinWas a racistWas also a communistAlso believed in dictatorshipWas accordingly more power-hungryWas a totalitarianWas selfish to a degreeWas more cruel (most peopel will agree), using them in larger scales and included racism.Also eliminated all threats and oppositionStalin had no confirmed imperialist demands, however, he did want to re-capture many USSR lands lost in the First World War. Was also an aetheist, beleieving like Lenin religion corrupted a country.
User Alper Ebicoglu
6.4k points