1. True
2. How can the reaction be slowed down?
3. True
4. The reaction rate is generally lower.
5. Using reactants in fine, powder form,
6. True
7. False
From the image:
1. False
2. Energy of combined reactants is higher than combined products.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The rate of reaction is govern by the number of effective reactant collisions per unit time. so if the collisions increases, the rate of reaction must increase.
Will the reaction go to completion?
Ans: The extent of reaction is studied in chemical equilibrium
Will the reaction occur?
Ans: the spontaneity of reaction is studied in thermodynamics
How many grams of product will be made?
This is stoichiometry of reaction.
3. The rate of reaction changes with change in concentration of reactants if the reaction is not of zero order,
4. The higher surface are gives more surface molecules which increases reactivity so if we decrease surface area the reaction rate will decrease.
5. The higher surface are gives more surface molecules which increases reactivity so in fine powder form the reaction rate will be more.
6. For endothermic reaction there is absorption of heat, so the energy of products is more than the energy of reactants.
7. The catalyst gives an alternate path to reaction where activation energy is low.
From imageL
1. B is the arrow which shows lower activation energy and hence presence of catalyst.
2. It is well clear that energy of reactants is higher than products.