1 vote
Samantha sampson se retiró hace unos años a la edad de 55 años. debido a que está aburrida de su retiro y aún es relativamente joven, samantha ha considerado comenzar su propio negocio. sin embargo, ella no sabe nada sobre negocios. como resultado, sam ha contratado a la empresa de consultoría para la que trabaja para darle un breve tutorial sobre negocios y finanzas. para comenzar su lección, la sra. sampson le ha pedido que responda las siguientes preguntas:

1 Answer

3 votes
Samantha Sampson retired a few years ago at the age of 55. Because she is bored with her retirement and is still relatively young, Samantha has considered starting her own business. however, she does not know anything about business. As a result, Sam has hired the consulting firm for which he works to give him a brief tutorial on business and finance. to begin her lesson, mrs. sampson has asked you to answer the following questions:

Hope it helps