These few steps!
Compare: Author wanted to show similarities between ideas
Clue Words: both, similarly, in the same way, like, just asContrast: Author wanted to show differences between ideas
Clue Words: however, but, dissimilarly, on the other handCriticize: Author wanted to give a negative opinion of an idea
Clue Words: Look for words that show the author's negative opinion. Judgment words like "bad", "wasteful", and "poor" all demonstrate negative opinions. Describe/Illustrate: Author wanted to paint a picture of an idea
Clue Words: Look for words that provide descriptive detail. Adjectives like "red", "lusty", "morose", "striped", "sparkling", and "crestfallen" are all illustrative.
Explain: Author wanted to break down an idea into simpler terms
Clue Words: Look for words that turn a complicated process into simple language. A "descriptive" text will use more adjectives. An "explanatory" text will usually be used with a complicated idea.Identify/List: Author wanted to tell the reader about an idea or series of ideas
Clue Words: Text that identifies or lists, will name an idea or series of ideas without providing much description or opinion. Intensify: Author wanted to make an idea greater
Clue Words: Text that intensifies will add more specific details to the idea. Look for superlative adjectives and "bigger" concepts. A baby sadly crying is descriptive, but a baby mournfully howling red-cheeked for 30 minutes is more intense.Suggest: Author wanted to propose an idea
Clue Words: "Suggest" answers are usually positive opinions and try to sway the reader to believe. The author will provide a point, then use details to prove it