The sheltered answer would be that the new cell will practically have indistinguishable volume from the one that is isolated from.
Step-by-step explanation:
The particular volume will be diverse for different sorts of cells. The sheltered answer would be that the new cell will practically have indistinguishable volume from the one that is isolated from. This is valid for most eukaryotic cells except if different variables like epigenetics or transformations come into place.
One case of minutes a phone would increment in volume is amid hypertrophy. This basically implies the phone is expanding in size (contrasted with: hyperplasia - or, in other words in a number of the phones). Hypertrophy is definitely an increment in volume of the cell however this doesn't really mean cell division (i.e. because the cell is enormous presently, doesn't mean it will at present be huge when it isolates).
Another snapshot of expanding the volume of the phone and now additionally identified with cell division would be amid the two phases in the cell cycle (i.e., G1 and G2 stages). This is the development period of the phone planning to separate. Anyway, when mitosis or division occurs, the cells will typically end with indistinguishable volume from when it began.
This is sheltered speculations alluding to the human cells. It might be ideal if a more particular sort of cell was given.