What brought the conflict between the teaching of evolution and religious fundamentalism to a head was the Scopes Trial.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Scopes Trial was a case where the teacher John Scopes was prosecuted in the Tennessee Criminal Court on July 21, 1925 for teaching developmental doctrine, which was contrary to Tennessee's legislation. He was sentenced to $ 100 in fines and after that, the theory came to play a very small role in American schools in favor of the Bible's creation story. When the US-Soviet space race began in 1957, an increasing emphasis was placed on natural science subjects in the United States.
This trial was an accentuation of the long-standing tension between the so-called fundamentalists, who asserted the full authority of the Bible, and more moderate directions. It was one of the fundamentalists' leaders, W. J. Bryan, who charged Scopes, who, despite a convincing defense performed in his favor, was convicted of a violation of law. In January 1927, the Tennessee Supreme Court affirmed the laws in question, but annulled the court decision declaring Scope's guilty.