A: Barry is married to Ann and they have two kids Andrew and Barbara, they are twins , 9 years old. They both Have been working as teachers at the same school where their kids study. Because of this they got extra bonus from school . One of theirs will be on their savings and the other they will plan with their kids a good and cheap relaxing vacation on a farm close to their parents house, they´ll spend a week in the far and two other ones in grampas houses.
B: Barry is married to Ann and they have two kids Andrew and Barbara, they are twins , 9 years old. They both Have been working as teachers at the same school where their kids study. Because of this they got extra bonus from school. The couple is tired of teir childrem and school so they decided to leave kid on their grampas houses and spend a month vacation in Hawai dinking martinis and sunbathing. Their motto: " Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow, just live tody as the last day".