The paragraph above only contains one sentence that is punctuated correctly. This is the last one (Without a moment's hesitation...)
Step-by-step explanation:
The sentence above is the only one that is correctly punctuated in the whole passage. The comma has been used after the introductory phrase "without a moment's hesitation" and in the predicate in order to list what the girl did. There is a comma after each of the verb phrases (the girl walked over to the table on which the book lay, picked it up, and walked out of the room). Commas are used to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses. This means that when three or more items are being listed in a sentence, a comma goes between each item in the list.
All the other sentences are wrongly punctuated. This is so because some of the sentences are separating subject and predicate with a comma (the girl, walked over the table...), others have no subject (picked it up and walked out of the room), others separate the complement from the verb (the girl walked, over to the table), and others are just too choppy (the girl walked over to the table on which the book lay, and without a moment's hesitation, she picked it...).