Here's what I've learned so far. Don't try to study in your bed because you will fall asleep/get too comfortable to work/etc especially if it's at night. Use a table, desk, or the floor. The floor gives you lots of room to put all your work out and isn't comfortable enough to fall asleep on. Normally. Set a time where you don't get on your phone, tablet, whatever. That's a big reason why most people can't focus. When I keep getting distracted by noises, I listen to jazz music. That's because I don't know the words so I can't sing along, it isn't something that's going to make me dance, and doesn't put me to sleep like classical music. Lastly, think in terms of points. Think about how every 0 will affect your grade and whether or not your grade is okay enough for that 0. Well, hope this helps :)