Estuve en Ecuador durante un mes y medio ayudando a los animales maltratados y ayudando a construir escuelas para que los niños fueran educados. También construí casas para familias que no tenían una. Vi a mucha gente pobre y las condiciones en que vivían. Nunca volveré a dar lo que tengo garantizado. Mientras estuve allí, nunca pude lavarme porque el agua es muy escasa allí. I hope this helps. there's no real punctuation and i 'm sorry for that.
Step-by-step explanation:
I was in Ecuador for a month and a half helping abused animals and helping to build schools so that children are educated. I also built houses for families who did not have one. I saw a lot of poor people and the conditions in which they lived. I will never give back what I am guaranteed. While I was there, I was never able to wash myself because water is very scarce there. I hope this helps. no actual score and sorry.