1 - D: Moluccas are known to Europeans as the Spice Islands and controlled by the Dutch. Moluccas islands are archipelago in Banda Sea, Indonesia that were introduced in Europe as the Spice Islands due to nutmeg, mace and cloves that were exclusively found on those islands. In XVI century trade in Moluccas islands was controlled by Dutch.
2 - A: Mughal Empire allowed Portuguese, Dutch and British to build trading outposts. Mughal Empire granted 21 years of permitted trade to Portuguese, Dutch and British in XVII century and encouraged building coastal posts for trade. In the reign of Jahangir trade was established and directed to alcohol exchange. Wine, and alcohol in general, was very important in trade and negotiations.
3 - E: Mercantilism is economic system in which a nation’s wealth is based on gold and exporting more than it imports. Mercantilism is economic system that was dominant in Europe from XVI to XVIII century. This economic system promotes augmenting state power at the expense of rival national powers. Mercantilism is still practiced in industrializing countries under the name of neomercantilism.
4 - C: Triangular trade is the pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa and Americas across the Atlantic Ocean. Triangular trade is a system that indicates trading between three trade posts, but this system is best-known for slave trade. Transatlantic slave trade was operated from XVI to XIX century between West Africa, Caribbean or other American colonies and Europe.
5 - B: Middle Passage is the harsh and brutal voyage of slaves. The Middle Passage was the stage of the Triangular trade in which millions of Africans were shipped to American colonies or Europe. This trading stage was so horrific that many African and African-Americans took it as a cultural memory in Americas.