The Movement of the Ghost Dance, considered a religion, was caused by the subjugation of the Indians of North America by the army and government of the United States, and it was a way to peacefully face poverty, hunger, and diseases, that the natives Americans suffered in the reserves where they were locked up. The Phantom Dance was also a way of recovering the culture and traditions of the native peoples and rediscovering their past. Many Americans were afraid that this would mean a future uprising on the part of the Indians, while others came to watch the dances. This religion spread rapidly through the camps, giving hope to the Indians. The Office of Indian Affairs banned the dances because they wanted to convert the Indians to Christianity, and they were afraid that religion would fan the fighting feelings of the Indians. This eventually led to the Wounded Knee Massacre, when the US government sought to repress the Lakota tribe, killing 300 men, women and children.