1. Gene regulation is the process by which genes are turned on and off. One example of gene regulation in the body is the manner in which the enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase is turned on and off. The liver is responsible for getting rid of toxic substances such as alcohol from the body, it does this with the help of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme. When alcohol is absent in the body, the enzyme is turned off but when alcohol is present in the body system, the enzyme is turned on by the appropriate genes and it works by detoxifying the toxic alcohol in the body.
2. The needed enzymes can be made through the process of gene cloning.The sample of the needed enzymes can be obtained by extracting DNA from the cell of an individual who have the digestive enzyme. Then follow these steps:
1. Cut the DNA with the appropriate restiriction enzyme. Extract the gene that produce the digestive enzyme by using gel electrophoresis and DNA probe.
2. Copy the gene by means of polymerase chain reaction.
3. Chose an appropriate plasmid and cut the plasmid with the restriction enzyme used in stage 1.Then insert copies of the digestive enzyme genes into the plasmid and allow bacterial cells to take up the plasmid.
4. Grow the transformed bacteria in an appropriate culture. These bacteria will manufacture the digestive enzyme.The digestive enzyme can then be extracted from the culture and packaged appropriately [whether as injection, infusion or tablets] for the use of those who need it.