In 2016, North Carolina was the third-largest producer of electricity generated from solar photovoltaics (PV) among the states.In 2017, a wind farm with 208 megawatts of capacity came online in North Carolina. It is the largest wind farm in the Southeast. Advantage: The wind is an inexhaustible resource, that is, it is a renewable energy. It is a clean, non-polluting energy.The main disadvantage of wind energy is our inability to control the wind. Being a less predictable energy can not be used as the sole source of electricity generation. 2.- 4 human impacts: The destruction and salinization of the soil, contamination by pesticides and fertilizers, deforestation or the loss of genetic biodiversity.3.- the human activity that most affects the stability of the mountain slopes is the felling and burning, ecocide that generates pollution. The prohibition of such acts, the criminalization and the use of other resources can help to avoid them.4.- The natural process that is having negative effects on the north carolina coasts is the great erosion and other damages produced by the waves, the solution is the construction of piers, vertical structures, built parallel to the coast of the ocean, and designed mainly to avoid erosion and other damage due to the action of the waves.5.- avoid deforestation, avoid agricultural expansion, and establish strategies for conservation are 3 things that can be done by citizens to avoid the negative impacts of river basins.6.-Water quality refers to the 4 characteristics: chemical, physical, biological and radiological water, for humans, animals or plants, the levels of each of these characteristics must be different, animals and plants tolerate certain components or elements more than humans.7.-Sustainable agriculture is one that, in the long term, contributes to improve the environmental quality and the basic resources on which agriculture depends, satisfies the basic needs of fiber and human food, is economically viable and improves the quality of life of the producer and the whole society.Crop rotation and diversity can be two examples.
8.-Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms both in coastal areas and in the interior that involves interventions in the breeding process to increase production. It is probably the fastest growing food production sector and now accounts for 50 percent of the fish destined for food worldwide. its response to the world population is favorable because it has helped to reduce malnutrition rates worldwide.
9.-Population growth is one of the dominant features of the twentieth century. To a world population of more than six billion people, every year a hundred million more are added, of course the rate of growth 700 years ago was very low, even though there were no contraceptive methods, the population did not worry about reproducing as it does it today, 700 - 800 years ago, others factors interfered with the growth, weather, wars, feeding, are just a little example of it.
10.- the uncontrolled growth of the population brings with it negative impacts, one of them is more environmental pollution, the migratory phenomenon and the economic impact for the countries where this phenomenon happens.