The correct option is "A"
The treaty of Tordesillas (in Portuguese: Treaty of Tordesilhas) was the commitment subscribed in the town of Tordesillas -located in the current province of Valladolid, Spain-, on June 7, 1494.1 between the representatives of Isabel and Fernando , kings of Castile and Aragon, on the one hand, and those of King Juan II of Portugal, on the other, by virtue of which a distribution of the areas of navigation and conquest of the Atlantic Ocean and the New World was established by a line located 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands, in order to avoid conflict of interest between the Spanish Monarchy and the Kingdom of Portugal. In practice this treaty guaranteed to the Portuguese kingdom that the Spaniards would not interfere in their route of the Cape of Good Hope, and vice versa the first would not do so in the recently discovered Antilles.
The essence of the Treaty consisted in the agreement of a new line of demarcation, this being that, having its ends at both geographical poles, it passed to 370 leagues11 west of the Cape Verde Islands.12 The great difference with the demarcation established in the pontifical bulls was that the eastern part of South America, the extreme east of Brazil, was now attached to the area of action of Portugal, which made possible the submission to its sovereignty when in 1500 Pedro Álvares Cabral arrived on the Brazilian coasts .