Answer: Positive phototaxis
Step-by-step explanation:
- Taxis is defined as the movement of organism under a stimulus. The stimulus can be light, food etc.
- Phototaxis is the movement of an organism when the stimulus is light. (Photo + taxis = light + taxis).
- Taxis is one of the many innate behavioural responses.
- There is a difference between tropism and taxis as tropism simply refers to a growth towards/away from the stimulus for e.g phototropism is shown by plants by growing towards the direction of sunlight. However, taxis is not growth but the movement towards/away from the stimulus .
- Phototaxis that is the movement when the stimulus is light is of two types:
1. Positive phototaxis - when an object move towards light. E.g euglena.
2. Negative phototaxis- when an object moves away from light. This is seen in insects such as cockroaches.