Reading a poem is definitely a multisensory exercise. There is a voice that creates an atmosphere to engage the reader or the listener. In the poem "Highwayman", The first four lines tell us who, where and when to contextualize both the reader and the listener. From these, we know that a Highwayman came riding at night, and the moon could be seen through a cloudy sky. It is worth asking ourselves when reading poetry what we can see. I would ask you to imagine the wind as a "torrent of darkness among the gusty trees". Not only can we see the images in a poem, but also use our senses. For example it is possible to think about the smell of the trees, hear the sound of the leaves moved by the wind, imagine what the rider might look like. Most poems are to be read out loud, as a reader one can listen to our own voice reading the poem. Listening to a poem can be really interesting. Poetry requires an approppriate tone of voice and fine intonation, as well as emphasis when the lines suggest it. Both reading and listening help us understand a poem better and enjoy poetry.