The correct answers are D) "You pretended envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to and from Jupiter Tonans," and F) Who has empowered you, you Tetzel, to peddle round your indulgences from divine ordinations? The hairs of our heads are numbered, and the days of our lives. In thunder as in sunshine, I stand at ease in the hands of my God.
The other options of the question were A) A.Hark! There go all the granite Taconics and Hoosics dashed together like pebbles. By the sound, that must have struck something. B) An elevation of five feet above the house will protect twenty feet radius all about the rod. C) Think of being a heap of charred offal like a haltered horse burnt in his stall; and all in one flash!"
E) laughed I; "you mere man who come here to put you and your pipestem between clay and sky, do you think that because you can strike a bit of green light from the Leyden jar, that you can thoroughly avert the supernal bolt? Your rod rusts, or breaks, and where are you? G) See, the scroll of the storm is rolled back; the house is unharmed; and in the blue heavens I read in the rainbow, that the Deity will not, of purpose, make war on man's earth."
Herman Melville’s short story "The Lightning-Rod Man," is part of the collection of stories that can be found in the book "The Piazza Tales," written in 1856. He also authored other great books such as "Mardi," "Israel Potter," and "Type."