18 years after 1996 which is 2014
Town M had a population of 30,500 people. It grows by 2%. That means the next year will be 30,500+0.02(30,500)=31,110. The next year will be 31,110+0.02(31110)=31732.2 and so forth.
Town N had 32,500 and grows by 600 each year. That means the next year will be 32,500+600=33,100. The next year will be 33,100+600=33,700 and so forth.
Year Town M Town N
1 31,110 33,100
2 31,732.2 33,700
3 32366.8 34, 300
4 33014.2 34,900
5 33674.5 35,500
6 34348 36,100
7 35035 36,700
We can see the populations are getting closer but not very fast. Let's try higher numbers.
Year 20 gives 45,321 and 44,500. We are close. Let's try year 18. We get 43,561.5 and 43,300.