How to write "I/he/she went" in past tense ???? (passé composé ?)
I went outside yesterday. ==> je suis sorti hier. (If and only if 'I' is a boy)
Pierre talking = je suis sorti hier.
but if 'je' is a woman ............==> je suis sortie hier
Anne talking = je suis sortie hier.
My friend went to the store yesterday ==> mon ami(e) est allé(e) au magasin hier.
mon ami (= Pierre) est allé .....
mon amie (= Anne) est sortie
because as 'ami' begins with a vowel, you can't say "ma ami"... you've got to say 'mon ami' even if it's feminine.. that's another 'problem'
to go = aller
to go down = descendre
to go out = sortir
to go away = partir
to go after = suivre
In French we have differents verbs when in English, you've got one and only verb called phrasal verb (not sure its the correct way to call it.....) so it changes the meaning of the verb ....
What you have to remember is that when you use the "passé composé" with the auxiliaire "être", the past participle will agree with the subject...
so if, 'je', 'tu' are feminine, the past participle will end with an 'e' .. most of the time ....
well I think I understood what you were asking for ... but it's quite difficult to answer...
for example =
to turn = tourner
to turn off = éteindre
to turn on = allumer
to turn red = rougir
to turn white = blanchir, pâlir
to turn around = se retourner
and lots of English verbs have those small prepositions that change the meaning... in French, we most of the time have different verbs that you'll just have to learn
Hope I helped you to understand even though I do not have "une solution miracle" ....a 'silver bullet'