The nineteenth and early twentieth century in America is characteristic of the accelerated development and advancement of industry and technology. Thanks to the industrial revolution, the need for many new workforce has been opened, lifestyles are changing, technological innovations that have a great deal of influence on changes in everyday life are present. It lives faster, more dynamic. All of this is present in America today, and on a much larger scale. The characteristic of the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is the development of information technology. Development is enormous with unprecedented possibilities. All this speed in development allows faster flow of information, even greater investments, travel more than ever, people can learn different cultures and enrich themselves. On the other hand, as in the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, there is a growing division between the rich and the poor. The law of capital conceals power in the hands of a certain number of people. Of course there is a middle class that has more options and choices than ever in terms of self-education, prosperity, travel, contacts with anyone in the world are far easier on the Internet than through telegraphs in the 19th century. All this represents the strengths of the US today. Weaknesses today, as well as through history, would be racism, racial conflicts, the poverty of a large number of people who do not even have conditions for social protection, can not go to doctors when they are ill.