1. The way the Mexica interacted with the environment was impacted by the location of Tenochtitlan because it was founded on a small island within Lake Texcoco and it was connected to the mainland by bridges and causeways leading to the north, south and west, these causeways were interrupted by bridges that allowed canoes and other water traffic to pass freely (these bridges were movable, so the people were able to pull them away, if necessary, to defend the city. All sections of the city could be visited either on foot or via canoe because it was interlaced with a series of canals.
2. Economically the role the city played a role in agriculture and commerce, basically, commerce was to be realized by barter and they used, as a type of coin, grains of cocoa and also beans.
3. This term was applied to anyone originating from the vast Northern and Central Asian landmass which was back then known as the Tartary and was dominated by several mostly Turco-Mongol empires and kingdoms. More recently, however, the term refers to speak one of the Turkic languages. The Tatar clan still exists among the Mongols, Hazaras and Uzbeks.
4. Pastoralism is a branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock. It is the care, tending and use of animals such as cattle, camels, goats, yaks, llamas, reindeers, horses and sheep. They moved all the time to find better pastures for their animals.
4. There is greatly gender inequality: Men lead the community or tribe, worth is quantified by size of herd, control the herd and are responsible for defense of the herd, on the other hand, women care for the children in the family unit and for others, are responsible for things like cleaning, cooking and maintenance, milking livestock and have a miniscule political and economic power in community .
5. In Europe, women were used in commerce which promoted them more freedom. In most cultures and religions did not have an equal status to a man and were only useful to bear children and they were looked at as subservient, obedient creatures. Choosing a spouse who was a good worker and winning an appropriate dowry or inheritance were vital ingredients of family life. Adult men and women roughly divided labor between field and household.