Thought for the day; there's one thing that grinds my gears more than anything else: rudeness. Whenever I see someone dropping a sweet wrapper on the floor, I want to perform a citizen's arrest for littering; whenever a driver cuts me up, I want an officer on hand to haul them off in cuffs; and whenever I receive an email without a proper greeting or sign off, I want to be able to zap the sender with so much spam that their inbox will melt! You might think me harsh, but to misquote Shakespeare: 'to be cruel is to be kind.' Indeed, the punishment must fit the crime; that's the only way we'll be able to change these people's habits. So whenever you're about to scoff your snacks, pull out into traffic or click send; pause for a moment and remember the age old maxim: manners maketh man.
Step-by-step explanation:
A colon is used in the places between the independent clauses where the second word or sentence is describing the first sentence. For example:
there's one thing that grinds my gears more than anything else: rudeness.
While the places where two independent clauses are closely linked, a semicolon is used. For example:
Indeed, the punishment must fit the crime";" that's the only way we'll be able to change these people's habits.