The advertisement I'm going to discuss is one of the latest Nike's video ads. This ad is narrated by Colin Kaepernick, NFL player who in 2016 protested against racial inequality by kneeling during the national anthem before a game.
The ad starts by showing a skater falling over and over again while trying to skate on a rail. Meanwhile Kaepernick talks about not letting people convince you out of your dreams because they think your dreams are crazy.
The video shows a muslin woman boxing, a woman in a wheelchair playing basketball, and many more people. The voiceover invites you to be the best ever, to dream the biggest dream.
The video is highly persuading, it uses real life examples of people who have excelled in sports through the biggest adversities and links them subtly to Nike, just by adding their slogan at the end. The video ends with the phrase "It's only crazy until you do it. Just do it".
The images are highly moving, a NFL player without hand making a touch down(sp?), a kid with no legs fighting in a competition. Kaepernick speaking to the camera while saying, "believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything" referring to the career he lost for protesting injustice.
The music is inspiring, slow with piano and violin. The ad uses the idea of an underdog reaching the highest levels of excellence in sports, and it features many people of color going along the lines of Kaepernick's experience. Its idea is that despite unfairness of circumstances you can still succeed. It uses a repetition of the phrase "don't be this be that (the best)", which is an anaphora and creates parallelism and rhythm. And also is a hyperbole since it exaggerates the examples.
The audience is people who do sports, and specially those who identify as underdogs, those who don't have that many opportunities for whatever reason. It was made to become viral because it is controversial, specially with the current political climate in the US. Many people were offended that they used Kaepernick in the video, people misunderstood his protest with anti-nationalism. The video indeed went viral