1. The state of being hidden from detection and unrecognizable - Anonymity
With anonymity, a person or group becomes non-identifiable, unreachable, or untrackable to a certain group people, if not, all. Some situations in which people choose anonymity is in free elections, acts of charity and newspaper publications.
2. The policy of giving every political party the same amount of radio or TV broadcast time at the same time of day - Equal access
As the term indicates: it advocates equality between different parties in a specific situation.
3. A governmental agency that oversees the communications industry in America and enforces broadcast laws - Federal Communications Commission
The FCC is an independent agency of the U.S. government created in the Communications Act (1934) to oversees and regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.
4. A person who obtains money illegally, sometimes by threat of physical violence - Racketeer
The Racketer not only engages in illegal and fraudulent business dealings but this criminal act are usually organized.
5. A short clip of TV footage that may cut the speaker's words to a few seconds of time - Soundbite
The soundbite's purpose is to capture the interest and attention of an audience toward one specific matter.
6. Opinion page of a newspaper - Editorial page
The Editorial Page is a section or an article that presents the newspaper's opinion on an issue or on a general matter.
7. Plan; course of action - Policy
The purpose of this plan is to guide decisions and achieve goals. It's common in organizations, business, government, etc.