Write these sentences in Future tense ...
You didn' say if it had to be written in both future = near future (going to) or just futur simple for all of them ... So I'll write both when near future 'going to' is written in English as in the 2nd sentence.
1- He will eat tomorrow
Il mangera demain
2- He's going to the store tomorrow.
Il va aller au magasin demain (futur proche = near future)
Il ira au magasin demain (futur simple = he will go to the store tomorrow)
3- We'll talk tomorrow.
Nous parlerons demain.
4- He doesn't go to school tomorrow.
Il n'ira pas à l'école demain. (translation word for word ==>il ne va pas à l'école => présent tense )
5- He will probably play video games tomorrow.
Il jouera probablement aux jeux vidéo demain
hope it will help :)