The 10 values identified by Robin Williams Jr. are the following:
1. Equal opportunity.
2. Achievement and Success
3. Activity and Work
4. Efficiency and Practicality
5. Science and Technology
6. Progress
7. Material Comfort
8. Humanitarianism
9. Freedom
10. Democracy
These values can be considered pillars of the American culture and therefore we can agree with the author, once every cluster may be identified in virtually every American citizen's life.
The United States of America is knowingly a land of freedom, providing endless choice possibilities while also being fair and rewarding merit where its due satisfying points 9, 1 and 2. Your success is determined by your own choices.
The USA has a really well developed economy and culture, having enough activities and job opportunities to enable people to work with what they love, helping the country develop its science and technology, enabling efficient improvements and applications to technology and culture, consequently fueling the country's progress, as noted on points 3,4,5 and 6.
Finally, the mentioned "American way of life" is not complete without material comfort, characteristic of a well-developed industry to fulfill the population's needs and whims. Another characteristic of the American population is the humanitarianism, working with the whole world to improve conditions of life and economy to those in need. All these characteristics are enabled by the democracy model of politics, which gives the power to the majority and keeps the country's government working for the population, not for the minority, fulfilling the points 7, 8 and 10.