A. glycerol
b. propane
c. alkene
d. amino acid
e. isopropanol
f. ring structure
g. alkyne
h. ethylene glycol
i. ester
j. organic acid
1. shape of aromatic hydrocarbons ___.
2. an alcohol with two hydroxyl groups ____.
3. molecule formed when a carboxylgroup replaces a hydrogen in a hydrocarbon __.
4. unsaturated hydrocarbon with at least one double bond ___.
5. example of a saturated hydrocarbon __.
6. molecule in which the —NH, radical replaces a hydrogen in a hydro-carbon __.
7. substance that forms when anorganic acid reacts with an alcohol __.
8. rubbing alcohol __.
9. an alcohol with three hydroxyl groups __.
10. hydrocarbon with at least one triple bond between carbon atoms __.