The trains will meet in 3 hours.
The initial distance between the trains was 710 km, but since the cargo train started an hour before the passenger train, it has already covered some distance towards it. The distance the cargo train has covered is simply the product of its speed
and the time taken
![D =v_(ct)t=(110km/hr)* 1hr =110km.](
So the distance left between the trains is the starting distance minus this distance:
Now both trains are travelling towards each other, this means the rate at which the distance that is being covered is equal to the sum of the speeds of the trains:
Now that we have the speed, it is easy to calculate the amount of time it will take for the trains to meet:
![t=(D_(left))/(v_(tot)) =(600km)/(200km/hr) =\boxed{3\:hours.}](
Thus the cargo train and the passenger train will meet in 3 hours.