D. Spiritual, social, environmental, intellectual, emotional, and physical.
Step-by-step explanation:
We can define wellness as the process of making right choices towards health and fulfilment. To do so, wellness has several dimensions or factor, which are varied: Emotional, environmental, financial, spiritual, physical, intellectual, social and occupational. We can define each of them:
- Emotional: this dimension of wellness is about having healthy and pleasant relationships, but also feeling satisfied with self-personality, abilities and esteem. Resilience is an important skills to achieve emotional fulfilment.
- Environmental: it's about reaching fulfilment using stimulating environments, which don't disturb our living.
- Financial: being able to fulfil financial situations, but overall, it's about feeling secure in front of possible outcomes.
- Spiritual: this dimension of wellness is one of the most ignored, but almost every single person reach the point where they ask themselves about their inner purpose, why are we here? finding this life purpose is to achieve spiritual wellness.
- Physical: having good health, a functional body, exercising periodically, having a good nutrition and being able to fulfil physical needs, all these mean physical wellness.
- Intellectual: to be conscious of self-learning processes, to have abilities to solve problems and being able to constantly learn it's what intellectual fulfilment is about. This dimension is crucial to have a healthy self-esteem.
- Social: feeling belonged to a social community, being conscious of others recognition, support friends and families, those social networks that make us feel useful.
- Occupational: At last but not least, occupational wellness is achieving satisfaction in the workplace, liking what we do for a living is crucial to achieve wellness.
So, as you can see, to achieve wellness is not as simply as most people think, you need to work and develop different skills, physical, social and psychologically. A healthy state in each dimensions is what make people to feel good with themselves, friends, families, and others.