(1) Title, in order to express what is the product, (2) Subtitle (optional), in case of wanting to show any additional information regarding the product, (3) Overview, so the end-user and the technician can find what they will learn, (4) Table of contents, to facilitate the navigation within the document, (5) The product's features, clearly described in each section of the document , and finally (6) Related documents that might result helpful for the user.
Step-by-step explanation:
Technical documentation is defined as any type of documentation that describes the handling, functionality, and architecture of a technical product. Such technical document is commonly intended not only for the end-user of the product but also for the administrator or maintenance technician.
In order to be useful, a technical document needs to be clear, and easy to parse quickly and find what you need. Therefore, a technical document should include the following elements: (1) Title, in order to express what is the product, (2) Subtitle (optional), in case of wanting to show any additional information regarding the product, (3) Overview, so the end-user and the technician can find what they will learn, (4) Table of contents, to facilitate the navigation within the document, (5) The product's features, clearly described in each section of the document , and finally (6) Related documents that might result helpful for the user.